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The Federal Court of Canada agreed in 2022 to 2023 Annual season pair NHL To block pirated streaming media

        2021 years, A federal appeal panel in Canada has upheld the country's first order blocking pirated websites.

        The landmark ruling is more, More advanced blocking requests have opened the door. In fact, It wasn't long before, National Hockey League (NHL) Broadcasters have asked the courts to order piracy for themselves IPTV Shielding order.

        The federal court ultimately approved the request for the ongoing season, And it provides some safeguards. Due to the Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC) Intervention of, An independent expert is charged with measuring the effectiveness and proportionality of masking efforts.

        In addition, The blocking window is limited to the broadcast of the game, This command applies only to 2021/2022 season, The season was already in its final stages when the court order was issued.

        2022/2023 Piracy mask

        Therefore, Dan Rogers, Bell and other media companies like Sports Network filed a lawsuit in federal court 10 It is no surprise that the new season, which begins in January, seeks similar blocking measures.

        After reviewing the motion, Deputy Chief Justice Joselyn.Gagne (Jocelyne Gagné) A new shielding order was granted. The ban applies to the present NHL season, The season will be in 2023 The Stanley Cup in 1999 (Stanley Cup) After the final.

        Gagne wrote in the court order: "Third party defendants shall be charged in each NHL The live match window blocks or attempts to block at least each user of residential cable Internet service on the target server IP Address access. "

        Shielding order

        Match window and server IP The address is confidential, But it probably covers a few of the most popular in Canada IPTV Streaming media service. If the streaming service tries to circumvent the block, Masked list IP Addresses can also be updated during the season.

        Effective and complaint-free

        Before issuing new blocking measures, The court reviewed independent expert David J.Lipkus (David Lipkus) A report on the effectiveness of earlier shielding measures. Lipkus concludes, Most Internet providers can effectively block infringing ones IP address. In addition, Nor have there been serious complaints of excessive blocking.

        Gagne writes: "Lipkus found that, 10 One of the third party defendants 9 a (Network service provider) Be able to 100%To mask the test IP address, And no individual or business has complained about the block. "

        They worked with another expert, Wilkins (Wilkin) And they came to the conclusion that, The availability of pirated streaming has decreased, And it doesn't have any significant costs. This means that, These measures are effective.

        "Lipkus and Wilkins concluded, Empirical data support such an assessment, That is, the overall supply of infringing content has decreased, And the original command meets the necessary conditions for validity, Because it provides measurable results at a lower cost. "

        A little counterattack, More masking

        None of the Internet providers objected to the latest blocking demands. however, CIPPIC Made an intervention, And will closely monitor the situation, To ensure safeguards are in place, Abuse prevention.

        The latest ban goes further, If new independent experts are appointed in the future, Consult during the selection process CIPPIC. Lipkus, the current expert, appears to be working for a sports league, This could raise neutrality issues.

        In a word, obviously, The blocking measures are now part of standard anti-piracy measures in Canada. Internet providers also stopped protesting, But in the absence of any change in the masking mechanism, This may well prove futile.

        That is to say, Compared to some other countries, Canada has strong safeguards to prevent excessive blocking. They call on all parties to exercise caution and care, Ultimately this is in the best interest of all concerned.

        (Compiled from torrentfreak. com)

Reprinted from China Intellectual Property Network   translation: Rason group proofread: Wang Dan

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