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A new law in Brazil expands the role of the National Film Authority in the fight against piracy of audiovisual content
date: 2024-01-16

Brazil 2024 years 1 month 16 The promulgation of the No 14815 The law marks an important milestone in the country's fight against domestic and foreign piracy of audiovisual works, The enactment of the law expands copyright protection across the entire production chain involved in the creation of such content.


The new law now in force not only addresses the No 12485/2011 The expansion of the national pay-TV program quota under the law, It also Outlines the State Film Administration (Ancine) Primary responsibility of (Already in # 2228/2001 No. 1 provisional law exists in general form) , In particular, in the fight against piracy of audiovisual content.


New law regulation 3 Article award Ancine "Decides to suspend and cease the unauthorized use of Brazilian or foreign protected works" The power of, Therein stipulated, Measures to suspend and stop unauthorized use include "Prevent its issuance, propagate, Transmit to, rebroadcast, copy, interview, distribute, store, trusteeship, exhibition, Provide and any other means of implied copyright infringement" .


This law is innovative Ancine Additional tools are provided, To prevent unauthorized display of films on informal websites and apps, TV series and broadcast sports events, So as to strengthen the fight against piracy.


Piracy of audiovisual content is characterized by the absence of proper legal authorization or the consent of the rights owner, Unauthorized use of copyrighted works. According to Ipsos (Ipsos) And Oxford Economics (Oxford Economics) 2011 A study of the year, Audio and video content piracy mainly through 3 Individual channel generation: (1) Physical channel, Involved in the sale and smuggling of counterfeit goods DVD; (2) Digital channel, Through the digital network (Including streaming media) Transmission and reproduction of audiovisual works; (3) Secondary channel, Applies when consumers of pirated products contribute to the expansion of this illegal market by viewing the content or borrowing pirated copies.


Most pirate websites are hosted on foreign servers, So the fight against online piracy is facing more challenges. Due to the technical nature of this activity, To combat this kind of illegal and criminal behavior requires constant updating and prevention, Knowledge and strategies in surveillance and combat.


Over the years, Brazil has been one of the countries with the highest use of illegal content in movies and series. Motion Picture Association of America (MPA) Contracts Ipsos in 2020 According to a study conducted in 2001, The country loses nearly as much money to piracy every year 40 Billion reais, And this number will increase year by year.


National telecommunication bureau (Anatel) An anti-piracy lab was recently established, To go to great lengths to clean and screen TV boxes (TV BOX) Internet TV (IPTV) The connection of the pirated device. The devices illegally capture signals from cable operators, when Anatel Recognize when an unauthorized device is connected to the network, It blocks transmission addresses and signals from illegal devices.


Under the new law, Ancine The authority to take administrative measures, To block the illegal transmission of audio and video content, Including through the website, Streaming media as well as with TV BOX and IPTV Content transmitted by device-independent applications. In practice, Right holders can now enlist the help of two regulatory bodies, Both agencies are equipped with administrative tools, Can promote the prevention of violations of their audiovisual works.


The fight against audio and video piracy is not limited to protecting the copyright of its creators, It's also designed to protect the economy, Curb tax evasion, One of the sources of funding for organized crime, And protect consumers from cybercrime. (Be compiled from www. lexology. com)


TRANSLATORS: Wang Dan proofread: Liu Peng


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