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The member states of this Alliance, Co-receive as effectively as possible, The encouragement of the desire to protect authors' rights to their literary and artistic works as consistently as possible, admit 1967 The importance of the work of the Revision Conference held in Stockholm in 2005, Decides to amend the text of the Convention adopted at the Stockholm Conference without changing articles I to 20 and 22 to 26 of the Convention. The undersigned plenipotentiaries have submitted their credentials and found them fit, It is hereby agreed as follows:
Article 1
The States to which this Convention applies form an alliance for the protection of the rights of authors with respect to their literary and artistic works.
Article 2
1. "Literary and artistic works" The term includes literature, All achievements in the fields of science and art, Regardless of its form or mode of expression, Such as books, Pamphlets and other written works; lecture, speech, Sermons and other works of the same nature; Dramatic or musical dramatic works; Dance art works and pantomime; A piece of music with or without words; Cinematographic works and works performed in a manner similar to cinematography; picture, Oil painting, architecture, sculpture, Engravings and prints; Photographic works and works represented by means similar to photography; Applied works of art; And geography, terrain, Illustrations relating to architecture or science, map, Design drawing, Sketches and three-dimensional works.
2. Each member State of the Union may pass domestic legislation providing that no work or any particular kind of work shall be protected if it is not fixed in some material form.
3. translation, adapt, Adaptations of music and other alterations to literary or artistic works shall be accorded the same protection as the original works, However, the copyright of the original work shall not be impaired.
4. The member states of the Union legislate against each other, The protection of official documents of an administrative or judicial nature and of official translations of those documents is determined by their domestic legislation.
5. A compilation of literary or artistic works, Such as encyclopedias and anthologies, What constitutes intellectual creation by the selection and arrangement of materials, Should get the corresponding, Without prejudice to the protection of the copyright of each work in the compilation.
For more details, please click herehttps: //www. worldip. cn/uploadfile/2015/0121/20150121103218594. pdf