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World Intellectual Property Organization Treaty on Performance and Phonograms
date: 1996-01-01

World Intellectual Property Organization Treaty on Performance and Phonograms

(WPPT) (1996) *

Orders record **

sequence said

Chapter 1: The total the

The first 1 article: Relations with other conventions

The first 2 article: set The righteous

The first 3 article: Beneficiaries protected under this Treaty

The first 4 article: National treatment

Chapter II: Performer's rights

The first 5 article: The moral rights of performers

The first 6 article: The performer's economic rights to a performance that has not yet been recorded

The first 7 article: Right of reproduction

The first 8 article: Distribution right

The first 9 article: Right of lease

The first 10 article: Provide rights to recorded performances

Chapter III: Rights of producers of phonograms

The first 11 article: Right of reproduction

The first 12 article: Distribution right

The first 13 article: Right of lease

The first 14 article: The right to provide sound recordings

* This treaty is 1996 years 12 month 20 The Japanese diplomatic Conference on certain issues of copyright and adjacency was adopted in Geneva.

** (Having adopted this Treaty) Diplomatic conference on WPPT The agreed statements of certain articles are printed in footnotes under the relevant articles.

Orders record (To continue)

Chapter Four: Common terms

The first 15 article: The right to remuneration for broadcasting and communication to the public

The first 16 article: Limitations and exceptions

The first 17 article: Protection period

The first 18 article: Obligations relating to technical measures

The first 19 article: Obligations regarding rights management information

The first 20 article: hand To continue

The first 21 article: bao leave

The first 22 article: Applicable period

The first 23 article: Clause on the exercise of rights

Chapter 5: Administrative clauses and final clauses

The first 24 article: big will

The first 25 article: International bureau

The first 26 article: To become a Contracting party to this Treaty

The first 27 article: The rights and obligations under this Treaty

The first 28 article: The signing of this Treaty

The first 29 article: Entry into force of this Treaty

The first 30 article: The effective date of becoming a Party to this Treaty

The first 31 article: refund about

The first 32 article: The language of this Treaty

The first 33 article: depositor

Please refer to: https: //www. worldip. cn/uploadfile/2015/0121/20150121103700704. pdf