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Portuguese court request Telegram Block access to pirated channels

Telegram Has more than hundreds of millions of active users, Is one of the most commonly used instant messaging applications. In addition to chatting directly, The app also allows people to create channels and broadcast messages through them to a wide audience. This feature is often abused by pirates.

recently, Motion Picture Association of America (MPA) Point out Telegram The problem of. The Hollywood group considers copyright infringement Telegram Is one of the drivers of growth, And urged the Office of the United States Trade Representative to include the service in its annual list of Notorious piracy markets.

MPA write: "One of its growth drivers is copyrighted content on the platform, And support for unauthorized file sharing, Core features that protect anonymous uploaders and make spending easy and easy, These features, whether intentional or not, promote the circulation of infringing content. " MPA Point out, Telegram Some improvements have been made in compliance, But it lacks a streamlined deletion process. Further improvements are likely in the future, But not all rights holders are willing to wait. This makes Telegram Has been the subject of multiple legal actions.

Telegram Shielding order

A few days ago, Intellectual property owners have won a victory at the intellectual Property Court in Lisbon, Portugal. The case was brought by a group representing several news and magazine publishers Visapress And the film industry Association GEDIPE Put forward. The two organizations are against each other Telegram Publicly accessible on 17 A channel filed a complaint. allegedly, These channels own 1000 Ten thousand members, Members have access to a large number of films, TV drama, Newspapers and magazines.

The lawsuit states, Telegram Allows users to store large numbers of files, This makes it relatively easy to share pirated content. There is a wide range of infringed content, Including Disney "Mulan" And Netflix "Miss Holmes" And local print publications in Portugal. Because some channels have more than 100 More than 10, 000 users from all over the world, Such sharing activities cannot be described as personal use. Therefore, Person of right Telegram These channels should be blocked.

After examining all the arguments, The Lisbon intellectual property Court decided to grant the blocking injunction. The court recognized the importance of free speech on the Internet, But the court still found the ban appropriate. That doesn't mean the blocking is perfect. The court acknowledged the limited effectiveness of the shield. Channel owners can easily change brands or create new groups. however, Is doing something better than doing nothing. The court order states: "Although blocking won't work completely, But it is an adequate and appropriate means, At least to ensure that intellectual property rights are respected, To prevent the sharing and acquisition of such content. " The ban is in place Telegram Posted without pleading in court.

Despite the help of the Dubai Embassy, The Lisbon intellectual property Court has also failed Telegram The company can be reached at its address in Dubai. Telegram The ban can be appealed. Telegram Whether action has been taken is unknown. Only the name of the channel is listed, But names can easily be changed, So getting around the blocking order is easy.

For example, The most famous channel "Netflix HD Movies Series" Purportedly near 400 Ten thousand members. When retrieving the channel, People will be directed to a channel with a new name, But the number of members is the same. The other one is called "Portal Filmes™ Play" The channel is now inaccessible. Telegram The popup message on, "The channel is inaccessible due to copyright infringement. "

More legal action will follow

Visapress Carlos, executive director of the company.Eugene (Carlos Eugénio) Point out, The ban is an important victory in the fight against online piracy, But this is only the first step, More court orders like this will follow. Visapress It also acknowledges that blocking measures can be circumvented. But Eugene believes, if Telegram Channel change name, Telegram Should find, Its response to the new "brand" Take action.

Eugene expressed: "Changing the names of groups and chat rooms is an easy way for administrators to get around court orders. Telegram Know this. In my opinion, The court's ruling would force Telegram Delete or block access to these groups and chat rooms. " although Telegram Failure to plead, but Visapress Expect the company to comply with the ban. otherwise, Visapress Will try to make Telegram Monolithic shield, This will have a profound impact on all users.

(Compiled from torrentfreak. com)

Reprinted from China Intellectual Property Network   translation: Rason group proofread: Liu Peng

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