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A retired police officer in the United States has won a lawsuit brought by copyright hooligans

Copyright hooligan Strike 3 The holding company filed a lawsuit against a retired American police officer, But in the end the officer won. The federal court in Seattle said, Strike 3 There is no evidence that the officers pirated his films, The company should pay the officer 47777 Dollars in court costs and attorney's fees. Personal action through BT American courts are full of cases involving the streaming of pirated videos.

This phenomenon is often called "Copyright hooligan" , Early in 10 It's been around for years, Still exists today. The owner of the right only IP The address then filed a lawsuit against the user, Apply to the court for a summons, In order to obtain IP Address Detailed information about the user, A settlement letter is then sent to the user.

2 Years ago, Strike3 right IP The address is 73. 225. 38. 130 s users filed a lawsuit. Strike3 Has been aggressively litigating copyright lawsuits, Conciliation letters have been sent to many alleged pirates. but, This case is different. The retired police officer did not accept the settlement letter, But to choose between Strike 3 Fight to the end. The officer countersued, Sue Strike 3 Abuse of legal process, And extortion through false lawsuits. The officer also sued Strike 3 Conduct an illegal investigation, say Strike 3 In fact, I know I can't IP The address user is associated with any specific infringing activity.

After being hit back, Strike 3 Decided to withdraw his lawsuit. but, The officer was not willing to give up. He filed a petition for summary judgment, Asking the court to declare that he is not a copyright infringer, And shall be reimbursed for court costs and attorneys' fees. Justice Thomas.Zili (Thomas Zilly) Ruled in favor of the police officer, Point out Strike 3 The evidence presented does not prove that the officer copied his company's film. Strike3 The initial evidence submitted states, File hash (file hashes) This is actually the actual movie file.

But the company later admitted that the document information was merely BT Seed hash value (BitTorrent "info hashes" ) , It points to the seed metadata. Judge Zili wrote: "In other words, 'Hash value' It doesn't identify the movies that are being infringed, But merely denote BT The program can connect to BT Network all computer files in the way to find the movie. " In this case, Strike 3 Copyright infringement must be proved, But the evidence presented does not prove infringement. The best the company can say is that IP The address is 73. 225. 38. 130 The user downloaded a series of hash sequences identified by "something" . "The core element of copyright infringement is in the work 'The protected part' Be copied.

Strike 3 No evidence was provided that someone copied it Strike 3 Any part of a copyrighted film. " An expert examined the retired police officer's computer, Includes many deleted files, No films suspected of infringing were found. Therefore, The court concluded that, The officer did not download any infringing material. In addition to proving the officer's innocence, The court also ordered Strike 3 Bear the officer's legal costs and attorney's fees.

Curtis, the officer's attorney.Edmondson (Curtis Edmondson) Very happy to see this result. The result has saved its clients a lot of money, And has implications for others in similar situations.

(Compiled from torrentfreak. com)

Reprinted from China Intellectual Property Network   translation: Rason group proofread: Wang Dan 

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