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Zhen Shuqi

United States, Britain, China

Delta Asia Law Firm · lawyer
Owned by lawyer Zhen Shuqi 20 More than a year of foreign intellectual property experience, For many worlds 500 Strong enterprises provide overall strategies and tactics for intellectual property protection, In intellectual property protection, Dispute resolution, Brand globalization expansion, Rich experience in enterprise intellectual property management and business affairs related to intellectual property, He has handled a number of influential litigation and non-litigation cases, Be trusted by customers.

Years of working in intellectual property: 22

Overseas intellectual property related qualification:

Unit class: Law firm

Expertise in intellectual property: Appearance design, trademark, copyright (soft) , Trade secret, copyright (other)

Good at professional technical field (major) : Traditional industry, New energy industry, Emerging digital industry

Good at dispute types: Non-patent implementing entity, A university or research institution, other

Experience in overseas intellectual property disputes:

Have served as the world 500 Overseas property distribution of strong enterprise knowledge, Work with lawyers from Taiwan Province JONNY WALKER A series of trademark infringement cases; Conduct infringement judgment and analysis of works used by Mattel with Southeast Asian lawyers; Arrange Hong Kong proceedings for Eaton Corporation's Sante business name; Hershey's Mini Kisses Business name matters arrange Hong Kong litigation; To carry out overseas layout for Ivers trademark