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Italy's new anti-piracy law gives new powers to the telecoms regulator

Italy's new anti-piracy law has just been approved by the telecommunications regulator, the Communications Authority (AGCOM) Full approval. AGCOM In a statement released recently, Italy "At the forefront of the fight against online piracy in Europe" . This will be 2023 years 8 month 8 The new law, which took effect on Tuesday, will authorize Internet service providers nationwide to block pirated live broadcasts, And allow the country to impose maximum penalties on pirated streaming users 5000 Euro penalty.

A new anti-piracy law was introduced this year 3 It was unanimously passed by the House of Representatives in October, Then in 7 It was approved by the Senate earlier this month, I just got it again AGCOM Full approval.

In a statement, AGCOM About "Online Copyright Enforcement Regulations" (The first 680/13/CONS Resolution Nos) The amendment was welcomed, The amendment relates to No 189/23/CONS Measures to combat illegal live sports streaming, as stipulated in Resolution No.

The new terms are given AGCOM Published to various online service providers "Dynamic injunction" The power of, That is usually the prerogative of the judges of Europe's highest court. The aim is to simplify Internet television against unlicensed networks (IPTV) Shielding measures for services, This makes these services inaccessible throughout Italy.

AGCOM expression: "By these measures, It is possible to block DNS resolution and prevent network traffic from being routed specifically for illegal activities by blocking DNS servers IP address, Before the game aired 30 Access to pirated content is banned within minutes. "

The law underpinning the new measures will be 8 month 8 Effective from today. At the appointed time, AGCOM Will be able to block all pirated broadcasts of live events, Whether it's a sports-related event or anything else.

AGCOM Head Massimiliano.Capitano (Massimiliano Capitanio) expression: "This amendment is fully in step with the changes introduced by Parliament, AGCOM Once again at the forefront of Europe's fight against online piracy. "

The nationwide dynamic blocking measures are not the only changes underway in Italy.

Challenge against AGCOM New powers of punishment

when AGCOM When a masking order is issued to a service provider, Their details will be passed on to the prosecutor's office at the Rome court.

In execution AGCOM After the command, These service providers will be required "Without delay" Submit a report to the Office of the Prosecutor. The report must be detailed "All activities undertaken to implement the above measures" and "What they have, Any existing data or information that can be used to identify providers of abusive communications content" .

In other words, Internet service providers should block pirates and gather intelligence. nonobservance AGCOM The instruction will be subject to 1997 years 7 month 31 Day control 249 No. Law relevant provisions of sanctions, Administrative penalty is 2000 Ten thousand liraz 5 Hundred million lira, Or the currency in use today 1. 062 €10, 000 to 26. 5 Ten thousand euros.

Those involved in providing/People who spread infringing streaming services will now face the highest 3 Years of imprisonment and maximum 1. 5 A fine of 10, 000 euros. This is just above the minimum penalty faced by a service provider for failing to comply with a blocking order 5000 Euro. It is worth noting, If the service provider fails to prevent genuine pirates from committing piracy, The maximum fines they face may still be less 25 Ten thousand euros.

There are also fines for watching pirated streaming

stateside, It's just that consuming pirated streaming services may not be illegal, But here's the difference, 2017 Confirmed by the Court of Justice of the European Union, It is illegal to consume illegal streaming services in the EU.

With the introduction of new deterrence measures against piracy service operators and other online service providers, Italy also has tough new measures for people who consume pirated streaming services. from 2023 years 8 month 8 As of today, They face the highest 5000 Euro penalty. At least on paper, This has the potential to be very interesting.

Over the past few years, market research firm Ipsos (IPSOS) Research conducted in Italy, approximately 25%Percent of adults will consume pirated copies at some point in a year IPTV Streaming media service.

The population of Italy is approximately 5900 wan, So even with some radical rounding, There are still millions of potential pirates out there. It is not clear how evidence of such violations was obtained and made available to individuals.

presumably, Italy is targeting the purchase of pirated copies IPTV Service package for people, But anyway, The primary goal is to block any participation in illegal streaming, No matter where it starts, And wherever it ends up. (Be compiled from torrentfreak. com)

TRANSLATORS: Wang Dan proofread: Liu Peng

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