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United States, Britain, China
Zhen Shuqi
Owned by lawyer Zhen Shuqi 20 More than a year of foreign intellectual property experience, For many worlds 500 Strong enterprises provide overall strategies and tactics for intellectual property protection, In intellectual property protection, Dispute resolution, Brand globalization expansion, Rich experience in enterprise intellectual property management and business affairs related to intellectual property, He has handled a number of influential litigation and non-litigation cases, Be trusted by customers.
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China, France
Bao Wenchao
Bao Wenchao, It is a practicing lawyer and patent agent in China, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law part-time postgraduate tutor, a MATRIZ and MIT issued TRIZ Method three-level certification, is MATRIZ Official The first level certified division of the association. Mainly engaged in patent circumvention and anti-circumvention design, Technology protection and intellectual property dispute settlement.
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United States, China
Wang Zhiyong
Zhiyong Wang is also a registered attorney in the State of New York, Successively in China, Japan, Many famous law schools in the United States. He worked in the Supreme People's Court for nearly 10 years in the judicial protection and trial of intellectual property rights, Participated in drafting a number of judicial interpretations, Full participation WTO Under the framework of consultation and dispute settlement body arbitration procedures. Participated in the compilation "Intellectual property Rights Reading Book for Leaders" A book, in "Beijing arbitration" And published more than 20 papers on journals.
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Shi Jiawei
With more than 10 years of practice experience, Its business focuses on foreign and cross-border legal services, Non-litigation matters in intellectual property (Such as patent application, Trademark application) With extremely rich theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Has entered the world of China for many 500 Strong enterprises to provide special legal counsel services.
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