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Li Siqi
"Li Siqi specializes in civil and commercial litigation and intellectual property services. In-depth knowledge of business operations and management, To provide enterprises with integrated and highly in-depth legal services, Concurrent patent, trademark, Copyright and other intellectual property fields have rich technology and knowledge accumulation. Overseas study and work experience, In the world 500 Strong communication technology company has more than 10 years of work experience, Trade secret protection for large multinational enterprises, Innovation result management, OEM Supplier management, In-depth understanding and practical experience in intellectual property licensing. simultaneously, Rich experience in litigation and arbitration in dispute resolution, Including foreign transactions, Extra-territorial execution, Equity dispute, Trade secret protection against unfair competition. "
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United States, China, Japan, South Korea, European Union
Wang Weibin
Engage in 15 Since last year, Wang lawyer patent at home and abroad, Trademark copyright agency, Rich experience in intellectual property consulting, Has directly handled hundreds of overseas patent applications, Include beauty, day, o, Korea, print, add, Australia, Southeast Asia, South America, Middle East, Africa and other major countries in the world, The technical field includes chemistry, medicine, Biology and all kinds of things.
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Yang Dongming
Engage in 16 Since last year, Lawyer Yang has rich experience in the field of intellectual property practice, Agent of domestic and foreign patent applications nearly 1, 000; There were dozens of patent reexamination and patent invalidation cases, Win more than 80%. And served as legal counsel for many enterprises, In intellectual property strategy development, Due diligence, IP Experienced in trading, etc.
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Zhou Qi
Lawyer Zhou has 21 Years of working experience in intellectual property field, In intellectual property rights confirmation and protection, Infringement analysis, Dispute resolution, Enterprise intellectual property management, Intellectual property strategic planning, Rich experience in intellectual property transaction and other fields.
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