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Wang Zhiyong

United States, China

Delta Asia Law Firm · partner
Zhiyong Wang is also a registered attorney in the State of New York, Successively in China, Japan, Many famous law schools in the United States. He worked in the Supreme People's Court for nearly 10 years in the judicial protection and trial of intellectual property rights, Participated in drafting a number of judicial interpretations, Full participation WTO Under the framework of consultation and dispute settlement body arbitration procedures. Participated in the compilation "Intellectual property Rights Reading Book for Leaders" A book, in "Beijing arbitration" And published more than 20 papers on journals.

Years of working in intellectual property: 22

Overseas intellectual property related qualification: Admission to the New York State Bar

Unit class: Law firm

Expertise in intellectual property: patent, Invention patent, Appearance design, Utility model, trademark

Good at professional technical field (major) : Traditional industry, High-end equipment industry

Good at dispute types: other

Experience in overseas intellectual property disputes:

Us trademark application and infringement action, Us patent infringement suit, United States ITC and 337 Administrative investigation response