Software giant Adobe (Adobe) For allegedly blocking third-party sellers on ebay (eBay) On ebay to resell its software and submit false ones to ebay "Digital Millennium Copyright Act" (DMCA) To be notified by resellers Green Savannah LLC (Hereinafter referred to as "Green Savannah" ) It was filed in a court in California. allegedly, Make a response, Green Savannah counternotice, Says Adobe shuns ebay DMCA Complaint system, Report the seller for selling pirated products, Which led to the seller's account being blocked.
At present, Anyone who wants to buy computer software can usually do so over the Internet. Most companies offer digital downloads, And the process is relatively simple.
but, Third-party sellers who sell legitimate products to the public on platforms like ebay and Amazon are not necessarily recognized by software companies "authorized" Seller of. As this case shows, This may cause a dispute.
plaintiff Green Savannah Claiming to be a reseller of Adobe software in Washington state. According to its complaint, The company has become Adobe's software on the ebay platform "The largest and highest rated seller" , however, This drew the wrong kind of attention from Adobe.
Reprinted from China Intellectual Property Network
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