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Italy's hefty fines for pirated Internet TV users "Coming soon"

Italy's telecommunications regulator, the Communications Authority (AGCOM) Massimiliano in charge.Capitano (Massimiliano Capitanio) expression, Will be watching pirated Internet TV (IPTV) Streaming media has the highest behavior penalty5000Euro penalty. Mr Capitano said, On from Google, Users of apps downloaded by Apple and Amazon will also be treated the same, He also confirmed that investigators will no longer need to obtain individual warrants from the court. merely, He assured the Italians, Warn them about the fine5000The risk to the euro is definitely not "Psychological terrorism" .


Capitanio has confirmed, The agency's long-promised fines against end users of illegal streaming services will "In no time" arrival.


The director has long maintained that, Citizens who have the habit of illegally using streaming media are legitimate targets of law enforcement, But for those who still don't know this information, The agency issued another alert.


Communications will be regulated


Mr. Capitano wrote on linkedin: "Maybe people don't know yet150Euro to5000The euro penalty will come soon, This is the same as all fines, Things that people want to avoid but law enforcement agencies have to do, Especially because those who conduct business illegally are convincing unsuspecting users that nothing is going to happen (User advance warning... ) . "


Deliver this important message to a large commercial audience, Rather than social media platforms that are more relevant to their target audience, Probably not the best choice. however, Right after the public's reaction toAGCOMThe response to the anti-piracy program was strong, AGCOMAccounts on various platforms are being "Gather dust" .


thoughAGCOMDoesn't seem interested in conversation, But it wants its message to be heard loud and clear across Italy, Especially when it comes to proving the naysayers wrong.


One point of particular concern, The country's government is being investigated for its ability to cope with tens of thousands of illegal streaming consumers. Not long ago, A new agreement was revealed to streamline the investigation.


Mr. Capitano wrote: "For those 'He claims to know everything, The fine will never happen' For the people, Attention please: yesterday[Italian financial guard (The police force under the Ministry of Economy and Finance) ]An agreement has been reached with the Prosecutor's Office in Rome, To identify the user. "


Remove the multiple authorization requirement


One from a prominent Italian press "DDay" The report provides much-needed background information. Pending an investigation to determine criminal conduct, The Financial Guard usually applies to the Justice Department for authorization on a capitation basis.


Due to the large number of illegal streaming media, It might be inconvenient to do that, Thus a share "Intervention protocol" Has been worked out. This allows the Financial Guard to cross-reference all the data at its disposal, Without having to obtain a warrant for everyone who appears in their investigation. "DDay" The report states that, A portion of the revenue raised from the fine will go to the Justice Department, To assist in the overall fight against piracy, The other part will go to the Ministry of Economy, To fund promotional activities.


Equal treatment of legal platforms


While providing deterrent information to the public about the consumption of illegal streaming media, AGCOMAnd has been putting pressure on companies like Google, They are asked to do more to combat piracy. lately, Due to complaints from the public, Google has learned fromGoogle PlayAn infringing streaming app was removed from the app. This may be a positive move, But it could also lead to more demands.


As Mr Capitano recently pointed out: "The best way to combat piracy is to crack down on criminal organizations that make a living stealing the intellectual property and rights of others, But also go after legitimate organizations that do the same. "


these "Legal organization" Including Google, Apple and Amazon, Their customers are just ordinary Internet users, They are looking for software to install, In many cases to avoid frequent visits to pirate websites.


In a comment that could easily have backfired, Capitanio actually implied it, Choosing a legitimate platform will not prevent users from being punished to the maximum5000Euro penalty.


There is no hiding place for pirates


The statement continued: "unfortunately, Against pirate users, Users who easily download the app from the Android and Apple stores as well as the Amazon portal, Users who easily access many websites through search engines (These sites are still not cooperating as they should) It is necessary to impose a fine, Although this may not be popular. "


Mr Capitano added one more thing: "At the same time, Spain is moving in the same direction. A common European front can only benefit people. " He also mentioned that the action taken by La Liga in Spain does not make sense, And it could backfire.


Capitano added at the end: "The first93/2023The law stipulates the highest5000The euro fine is not psychological terrorism, It's about sharing useful information. " (Be compiled fromwww. asiaiplaw. com)


TRANSLATORS: Wang Dan proofread: Liu Peng

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