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Innovation in Brazil at the extraction and recycling stage of electric vehicle battery technology

At present, Brazil is one of the countries where the automotive industry is closely watched. According to automotive media "Motor1" in2023years1A survey released in October, The country is in2022Ranked number one among countries with the highest annual car sales6position, Along with2023The number of electric vehicles sold in Brazil in the first half of this year increased from the same period last year58%, The electric car market is on the rise.


Electric cars are commonly used4Types of batteries: Lithium-ion battery, Nickel metal hydride battery, Lead-acid batteries and supercapacitors. merely, Most electric vehicles today use lithium-ion batteries. This is what lithium is often called "platina" Reason for, Because it is for electric car batteries "necessity" .


The lithium value chain consists of the following stages: (1) Withdraw; (2) process; (3) manufacture; (4) Use; (5) Collection and recycling. When considering the application of lithium in batteries, People usually want to be at No2, 3and4Start to adopt innovative technology in the stage, Because these batteries must meet the technical requirements in order to achieve the function of electric vehicles, For example, high battery charging capacity, Fast charging and longer service life.


Innovations related to lithium batteries


To understand the development of lithium battery related technologies, Patent analysis can provide useful insights. According to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) WEBSITE (Patentscope) Data of, The number of patent applications related to lithium batteries has exploded in the past few years. Since the2017Since these years, The number of international patent applications for lithium batteries exceeds each year1Ten thousand, 2023years8The monthly total exceeded17. 7Ten thousand, More than1. 34Ten thousand kindred patents correspond to Brazil. The number one technology among these patents vsH01M (Patent code related to battery technology) taxonomic, This can be understood to include battery technology that converts chemical energy directly into electricity.


While most of the innovation takes place at No24phase, But innovation also occurs at the beginning and end of the lithium value chain, Immediate phase1Sum phase5. Search Academic on Google (GoogleScholar) A quick search on can be found from2022Since these years, The academic and patent literature related to lithium batteries and recycling exceeds5000article. At the other end of the lithium value chain on Google Scholar——The extraction price of lithium can be found by the same search, Since the2022Since these years, In academic and patent literature related to lithium batteries and mining, There are1100Multiple publications.


Excellent move by Brazil


Brazil has been in phase1Sum phase5Actively carry out innovation.


2021years, Multinational corporationTUPY S. A. And the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil (USP) A partnership was established, Creating solutions for the recycling of lithium batteries. According to automotive media "Automotive Business" One of the publications, The initial investment in the partnership is400Vanreal (about81. 3Ten thousand dollars) , To develop technologies for recycling lithium batteries.


Another good example of innovation is Brazil's "Green lithium" . BrazilianSigma LithiumThe company produced and exported the first batch to China "Green lithium" . "Green lithium" Is located in the state of Minas Gerais known as "Lithium valley" Extracted from the hot Kitinonia Valley, By reaching "three-zero" Standard (This means that no carbon is contained in the extraction process, Waste and hazardous chemicals) , It got the green seal.


In terms of lithium production——As the World Economic Forum in2023years1As pointed out in October——Brazil is ranked at the top5One of the producing countries of the bit, And has great potential to produce sustainable lithium, Exports will be possible by the end of the year13Ten thousand tons "Green lithium" . 2023years5month, "Brazil lithium valley" (Lithium Valley Brazil) Listed on NASDAQ, the world's largest stock exchange for technology and innovative companies. "Brazil Lithium Valley is a project of the Brazilian government, We are committed to producing more sustainable lithium resources, To create jobs and income for the population of the Hot Chitinonia Valley, Transform the region into a technology hub for battery production and other high value-added products.


In addition, China's BYD Co. , the second largest maker of electric vehicle batteries, has announced a deal2023years8Opened its first battery factory in Brazil in October. Except for electric cars, The Chinese company will also produce electric buses in Brazil using batteries made in the country.


Innovation prospect


It can be clearly seen from the above data, Innovation is taking place across the lithium value chain. People are innovating and constantly providing new solutions at all points in the lithium value chain. In Brazil, Optimized technologies that focus on the sustainable extraction of lithium and maximize the use of the metal through recycling deserve special attention, This is the path of technological development that humanity must take to responsibly use natural resources and protect the environment for future development. (Be compiled fromipwatchdog. com)


TRANSLATORS: Wang Dan proofread: Rason group

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