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WIPO Rules for the Implementation of Patent Law Treaties
date: 2006-01-01

The first 1 article

shrinkage slightly language

(1) [ "treaty" ; "article" ]

(a) In these Rules of Practice, "treaty" Refers to the "Patent law treaty" .

(b) In these Rules of Practice, "article" Refers to a specified article of the treaty.

(2) [An acronym defined in a treaty ] Treaty regulation 1 An abbreviation defined in an article for the purpose of a treaty, The meaning shall be the same as in these Rules.

The first 2 article

On treaty regulation 5 Details of the date of application stated in the article

(1) [Treaty regulation 5 article (3) Paragraph and clause (4) paragraph (b) Term stated in item ] Except in this article (2) In addition to the provisions of the paragraph, Treaty regulation 5 article (3) Paragraph and clause (4) paragraph (b) Term stated in item, Shall be derived from the Treaty No 5 article (3) Not less than two months from the date of the notice referred to in subsection.

(2) [Treaty regulation 5 article (4) paragraph (b) The exception to the period mentioned in item ] Failure to submit a statement that would put the Office in contact with the applicant in accordance with paragraph (1) of the Treaty 5 article (3) Where a notice is given, Treaty regulation 5 article (4) paragraph (b) The period referred to in subparagraph 1 shall be from the time when the Agency first receives the Treaty No 5 article (1) paragraph (a) Not less than two months from the date of one or more of the components mentioned in this item.

(3) [Treaty regulation 5 article (6) paragraph (a) Sum of terms (b) Term stated in item ] Treaty regulation 5 article (6) paragraph (a) Sum of terms (b) Term stated in item: (i) By treaty 5 article (5) Where a notice is given, Shall be not less than two months from the date of such notice; (ii) No notice has been given, The first receipt by the Authority of the Treaty No 5 article (1) paragraph (a) Not less than two months from the date of one or more of the components mentioned in this item.

(4) [Treaty regulation 5 article (6) paragraph (b) The requirements stated in the item ] Except as specified in these Rules 4 article (3) Beyond the provisions of the paragraph, Any Contracting Party may request, In order to be able to comply with Treaty No 5 article (6) paragraph (b) (a) determine the date of application: (i) In accordance with this section (3) A copy of the prior application may be submitted within the applicable period;

For more details, please click herehttps: //www. worldip. cn/uploadfile/2014/0916/20140916034249120. pdf