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No. 1 on Community design [2002]6No
(European Community) Council ordinance
2001years12month12Daily passage
According to2006years12month18On revision No [2002]6No (European Community) Regulations and regulations [1994]40No (European Community) regulation [2006]1891Amendment to Council Regulations, The EC thus acceded to the Geneva text of the Hague Agreement on the International Registration of Industrial Designs.
Council of European Union, Allowing for the establishment of a European Community treaty, Especially the No308article, Taking into account proposals from the committee, Taking into account the views of the European Parliament, Taking into account the observations of the Economic and Social Committee, whereas:
(1) An integrated system designed by the Community to obtain uniform protection with uniform effect within the Community territory, The achievement of the Community objectives set out in the Treaty will be facilitated.
(2) Only Belgium, Holland, The Luxembourg Three customs Union countries have established a uniform design protection law. In all the other member states, The protection of designs is a matter for adjustment of the relevant national laws and is restricted to the territory of the relevant Member States. The same design may therefore give different protections to different rights holders in different member States. This inevitably leads to trade conflicts between member states.
(3) Substantial differences between the design laws of the Member States hinder and distort competition within the Community territory. Compared with trade and competition in the territory of the Member States for different products with attached designs, Trade and competition within the Community are subject to enormous applications, Different bureau, Different program, Different laws, Different national exclusives and administrative costs corresponding to high expenditures and charges on applicants are obstructed and distorted. 1998years10month13The European Parliament and the Council of the European Community adopted on the legal protection of design[1998]71The "B" command helps remedy the situation.
More details: https: //www. worldip. cn/uploadfile/2015/0116/20150116100219174. pdf