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Chapter I of the Law of Appearance Design General rule
The first 1 article purpose
The purpose of this Act is to ensure the protection and utilization of designs, Encourage the creation of appearance design, Make it contribute to the development of the industry.
The first 2 article definition
The terms used in this Act are defined below.
(1) "Appearance design" , It refers to the shape of a product that creates a visual aesthetic impression, pattern, Color or combination thereof. In addition to this law 12 Article outside the case, The foregoing provisions also apply to parts and fonts of products. (1) two "figure" , It means recording, Used in marking or printing, A set of words with a common character (Include figures, mark, Symbol etc) .
(2) "Registered design" , Means a design that has been approved for design registration.
(3) "Design registration" , It refers to the registration of audited designs or non-audited designs.
(4) "Audited design registration" , It means the registration of a design that has been examined for compliance with the conditions for registration provided for in this Law.
(5) "Design registration without review" , It means the registration of a design that has not been examined for compliance with the conditions for registration provided for in this Law, Law regulation 26 article (2) Except for the conditions provided in paragraph 1. (6) design "implement" , It refers to the manufacture of products using appearance design, use, transfer, let, import, Any act of promising to transfer or lease (And exhibit for the purpose of transfer or lease) .
The first 3 article A person entitled to obtain a design registration
(1) The person who creates the design or his successors shall have the right to obtain registration of the design under this Law. However, the personnel of the Korea Chartered Office and the Chartered Court during his tenure, Except by inheritance or legacy, Design registration is not available.
(2) Two or more people working together to create a design, The right to obtain the design registration is shared.
For more details, please click herehttps: //www. worldip. cn/uploadfile/2015/0611/20150611093909112. pdf