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Australian honey producers in "Manuka" Win a trademark dispute

Australian honey producers in "Manuka" (The Chinese translation is Manuka) Win a trademark dispute, This will allow them to continue using the name Manuka honey.

New Zealand producers from 2015 It has been trying to prevent any other country from using it manuka The word, Claims it's a Maori word, And the honey products are unique to New Zealand.

But in recent days released as long 171 Page of the ruling, New Zealand Intellectual Property Office (IPONZ) Ruled Manuka honey is a descriptive term, The application failed to satisfy the trademark requirements.

IPONZ Described the case as "The extraordinary trans-Tasman dispute" , It is also admissible "One of the most complex and lengthy cases" .

Manuka Honey-producing Region Association (Manuka Honey Appellation) It had been hoped that New Zealand producers would be given exclusive rights to the term manuka, But the ruling noted that the word was used in both New Zealand and Australian English.

So are Manuka plants 2 Native plants of various countries.

Although the trademark application failed, but IPONZ The Deputy Director stated in his ruling, Sympathy is extended to the applicant, Manuka Honey-Producing Area Association and its members.

The ruling states that: "To a large extent, This is because of the cultural significance of manuka honey, And before the Meluca honey trade in New Zealand took off, It does not appear to be widely used by Australian honey producers 'manuka honey' The word. "

The Manuka Honey Association of Australia welcomed the ruling, According to "The smart decision paves the way for accelerated global sales" .

The association's Paul.Callander (Paul Callander) According to: "We have been fighting over this certification mark for many, many years, Winning in New Zealand was particularly pleasing. "

He points out: "they (IPONZ) Adhere to the law, And in line with the rest of the world, We are granted permission to use it "manuka" The word. This is a significant ruling for us. "

2021 years, British Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) The application of the Manuka Honey Producing Region Association for the exclusive use of the Manuka name was rejected.

Or else, This will prevent Australian producers from using it when exporting their products to the UK and Europe "manuka" One word.

Says the Manuka Charitable Trust, which fights to protect Maori rights, It was disappointed by the ruling, But not discouraged.

The trust fund's Peeta.Tipene (Pita Tipene) expression: "We remain steadfast in protecting ours reo Maori (Language) And precious taonga (wealth) , Today's ruling will in no way stop us from moving forward. "

Tipene said: "It makes us even more determined to represent all New Zealanders and consumers who value authenticity, Protect what belongs to us. "

He added: "In our quest to protect the precious taonga when, We should stick together, And will continue to protect what is ours. "

Reckon with 2027 years, The annual trade volume of Manuka honey in the international market will reach 12. 7 About $100 million. (Be compiled from inqld. com. au)

TRANSLATORS: Rason group proofread: Liu Peng

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