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Italian Patent and Trademark Office (UIBM) It's part of the Ministry of Economic Development, To shoulder the two main responsibilities of cracking down on infringement and counterfeiting and protecting intellectual property rights.
UIBM The main work in intellectual property protection includes: Grant of patent, Trademark right and design right, Provide relevant application and administration services; Provide a financial relief package for the acquisition and use of intellectual property; Improve Italian enterprise, Awareness of intellectual property protection in universities and research institutes; Participate in EU and international projects and initiatives aimed at promoting and promoting the use of intellectual property rights.
■ Official website: www. uibm. gov. it
■ Enquiry telephone: +39 06 4705 5800 (time 9: 00-17: 00, Saturdays and public holidays are excluded)
■ E-mail address: contactcenteruibm@mise. gov. it