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Eu trademark law
1993 years 12 month 20 day, The European Parliament approved it "European Community Trade mark Regulation" (40/94)
Council of the European Union, According to the EC Treaty, In particular, the Treaty No 235 article, On the recommendation of the European Commission, According to the European Parliament, According to the Economic and Social Committee, In view of the need to promote harmonization of economic activity throughout the European Community through the establishment of a well-functioning European internal market that offers the same conditions as national markets, continue, Steady development; Whereas establishing such a market and making it increasingly a unified market, Not only must barriers to the free movement of goods and services be removed, Establish an order in which competition is not distorted, And laws must be created to enable businesses to engage in economic activity, Whether it's the manufacture and distribution of goods or the delivery of services, It can be carried out smoothly throughout the community; In view of this, In the legal means by which businesses can differentiate their goods or services across the Community in the same way, regardless of borders, Trademark is most appropriate;
For more details, please click here: https: //www. worldip. cn/uploadfile/2015/0116/20150116101553246. pdf