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Since the 2024 years 1 month 1 As of today, The Eurasian Patent Organization will adjust the amount of certain fees for acts and other acts of legal significance relating to Eurasian design applications and Eurasian design patents.
The adjusted fees of the Eurasian Patent Organization are as follows:
Application fees and examination fees for Eurasian patent applications:
The following fees should be paid for filing a Eurasian patent application:
On the basis of "Protocol to the Eurasian Patent Convention for the Protection of Industrial Designs" ( " "protocol" " ) The first 13 Article No 3 A surname "Eurasian Patent Convention Patent Regulations" ( " "Patent regulations" " ) The first 108 Article No 1 The cost of the uniform procedure provided for in paragraph 1:
If the Eurasian patent application is filed for a single industrial design, Then the amount is 3 Lakh rubles;
If the Eurasian patent application involves multiple industrial designs, Then regulation 1 The amount of pieces is 3 Lakh rubles, From # 2 Piece to # 10 Each piece of subsequent industrial design shall be increased 1. 5 Lakh rubles, exceed 10 The amount of each piece of subsequent industrial design is 7500 rouble.
Industrial design registration, Eurasian Patent Grant Notice and publication of Eurasian Patent grant
On the basis of "protocol" The first 15 Article No 5 A surname "Patent regulations" The first 114 Article No 1 paragraph, Industrial design registration, The following fees shall be paid for the Eurasian Patent Grant Notice and Eurasian Patent grant:
If the Eurasian patent is granted for a single industrial design, Then the amount is 3 Lakh rubles;
If a Eurasian patent is granted to multiple industrial designs, Then regulation 1 The amount of pieces is 3 Lakh rubles, From # 2 Piece to # 10 Each piece of industrial design is increased 1. 5 Lakh rubles, overcontrol 10 The amount of each piece of subsequent industrial design is 7500 rouble.
Other fees will remain unchanged.
It is worth noting, Users can use rubles, U. S. dollar, Euro, RMB and Durham pay fees to the Eurasian Patent Office. (Be compiled from www. eapo. org)
TRANSLATORS: Wang Dan proofread: Wu Xian
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