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Approved by the Standing Committee on Commerce of the National Assembly of Pakistan "2023 Trademark act (amend) case" , To assist local brands in 130 Several countries protect their symbols.
Khurshid, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Commerce.Ahmed.Joncho (Khursheed Ahmed Junejo) Chaired the committee meeting. After careful consideration, The meeting approved yes "2001 Trade marks Ordinance" Minor revisions, These amendments were made by Pakistan 2021 acceded "Madrid Protocol" required.
The Protocol is an international treaty, Allow businesses and innovators to submit one international application in one language, And in a currency to the World Intellectual Property Organization——United Nations 15 One of the specialized agencies, Committed to the promotion and protection of global intellectual property rights——Pay a fee, Up to 130 Several countries sought trademark protection.
The legislation also allows local brands to carry out international registration of trademarks and electronic validation of documents/payment.
Pakistan Intellectual Property Office Director Shazia.Adnan (ShaziaAdnan) The committee was briefed on the legislation and its impact on local brand owners. As a member of the World Trade Organization, Pakistan must be based on "Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights" Amend its intellectual property laws. (Be compiled from www. dawn. com)
TRANSLATORS: Rason group proofread: Liu Peng
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