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Ma Yufeng

United States, China

Orrick Law firm · lawyer
Yufeng Ma is the partner and chief representative of Orrick Shanghai Office, He has expertise in assisting multinational corporations in intellectual property related matters 20 Years of experience, Included in the United States International Trade Commission (ITC) And intellectual property lawsuits in U. S. federal courts. Mr. Ma is particularly good at handling cases that are critical to a client's reputation or the survival of the U. S. market, Be able to put the law, The fact is aligned with the client's business objectives, To design the most appropriate litigation plan for the client and pursue the best outcome, Won the trust of its Chinese customers.

Years of working in intellectual property: 20

Overseas intellectual property related qualification: Admission to the New York State Bar; Admission to the United States Bar in Illinois; United States Patent and Trademark Office bar; United States Court for the Northern District of Illinois; U. S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit

Unit class: Law firm

Expertise in intellectual property: patent, Invention patent, Appearance design, Utility model, trademark, Trade secret, Integrated circuit, Unfair competition

Good at professional technical field (major) : Traditional industry, High-end equipment industry, New energy industry, New material industry, Emerging digital industry, Integrated circuit, Biological medicine, Information and communication industry

Good at dispute types: Competitive enterprise, Non-patent implementing entity, individual

Experience in overseas intellectual property disputes:

Has successfully processed and is currently processing a series of patents in various district courts and dispute resolution agencies in the United States on behalf of Anker, Trademark and unfair competition litigation. Successfully represented Weiwo Mobile Communication Co. , Ltd. and Better Life Communication Technology Co. , LTD 337 The investigation successfully assisted the client and all other respondents in reaching a settlement with the plaintiff, No compromises need be made.